In 1999,
Mike and Meryl Moore formed the Miami County Chapter of the Ohio Horseman's Council. They provided
their barn loft to give our club a meeting place. Our meetings and our Horse Show are still held at High Pointe
Farm's Longhorn Arena in Troy, Ohio.
2015 Club Oficers
President - Susan Cavedo |
New picture to follow |
Vice President - Mick Retman |
New Picture to follow |
Treasurer - Jeff Furlong |
Secretary & Sympathy Coordinator - Deb Retman |
Trail Boss - Mick Retman |
As an Ohio Horseman's Council member, my fundamental duty is to better the equine community and to educate, promote, and enhance the
equine industry. I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all and be well behaved in a manner that does
not bring discredit to me or the Ohio Horseman's Council. I will be consistently mindful of others, honest in thoughts
and deeds in my personal life, and exemplary in obeying the laws. I will cooperate with all legal authorities and their
representatives. I know that I alone am responsible for my own standards of performance and will take every opportunity to
enhance and improve my level of knowledge and competence. Adopted by OHC General Membership, February 27, 1994